
Financial Services & Financial Markets

We have deep experience representing the financial services sector before Congress and regulatory agencies, including creating, managing, and representing financial trade associations, banks, broker dealers, sellside, buyside, clearinghouses, and technology providers. We help clients manage through financial markets crises and disruptions, as well as active engagement on regulatory and legislative action affecting market participants and the regulation of the industry. 

Tax Policy

We represent clients before Congressional tax writing committees on a variety of broad-based and technical issues that affect a variety of sectors, industries, and companies, as well as the taxation of financial instruments and investments.

Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch

We represent companies and industries by working with relevant Congressional Committees and Members of Congress in the oversight and regulation of administrative actions, including engaging with Committees to initiate inquiries to Executive Branch agencies, independent regulators, oversight hearings, and investigations.

General Economic and Business Issues

We represent an array of clients on general economic issues facing the housing industry, infrastructure, municipal finance, and more.

Analysis & Strategy Development

We begin every engagement with identifying the key issues that will advance our clients’ short- and long-term objectives. Armed with a deep understanding of how policies in Washington affect businesses and how policy decisions are made, we develop the strategies that will achieve the most advantageous outcome.

Strategic Advisory Services

Leveraging decades working with and for the federal government, we help our clients, particularly those in regulated industries, understand the relevant agencies, their political appointee leads, key senior career officials, and, if necessary, relevant Congressional Committees.

Similarly, we take on the charge of ensuring key policy makers understand our clients’ businesses and issues of concern. 

Public Policy Advocacy

Whether it is before a U.S. Federal regulatory agency or the U.S. Congress, we effectively execute an advocacy strategy promoting clients’ interests in the public policy decision-making process.